The Malawi Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) was established by the Environment Management Act (EMA) No. 19 of 2027 as a principal agency for protection and management of the environment and sustainable utilisation of natural resources in Malawi.
Among other functions, MEPA conducts intensive environmental compliance inspections across the country. Section 80 of the Act empowers MEPA to carry out, with or without notice, periodic inspections to ensure that the Act and its regulations are complied with.
The inspections are meant to ensure that industries including the hospitality establishments, processing companies, waste management facilities, the local authorities, institutions and the general public always keep their premises clean and comply with all provisions enshrined in the Environmental Management Act.
Failure to comply with the environmental regulations result in penalties being imposed upon non-compliant entities in accordance with the provisions of the Act and its associated regulations. In some cases, failure to comply could even lead to closure of facilities.
Recently, MEPA issued Environmental Protection Orders to two companies in Blantyre to stop actions which have or are likely to have adverse effects on the environment and penalised several others to pay Adminstrative Penalties of K3 Million each for failing to comply with orders to conduct environmental audits even after being told to do so when MEPA carried out inspections at their premises several months ago and also for failing to take measures to avoid or mitigate damage to the environment.
The Environmental Protection Orders came along with strict instructions for errant industries or companies to take corrective measures which among others included stopping actions that lead to polluting the air and discharging waste water into the environment.
Meanwhile, as a way of enhancing community engagement and good stewardship in ensuring a clean environment, MEPA is urging the public to anonymously or otherwise tip the regulatory authority on any activities that are detrimental to the environment through a Toll Free code: 2523.